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Why Partner with Metadata Games?

Collect Metadata

Descriptive metadata cannot be generated by computers, as it’s dependent on what’s in images, audio files, and videos.
Adding metadata is prohibitively time consuming for individuals or small institutions with large media collections.
Metadata Games allows you to harness the power of players to easily enhance information about your collections.

Connect With The Community

Through playing, players will be introduced to your institution. Higher exposure leads to more visits!
Metadata Games’s powerful search tool allows community members to discover media they didn’t know existed.
Increased collection accessibility also facilitates research, attracting more researchers to your institution.

Getting Started

It’s easy to become a content partner! The Metadata Games software uses off the shelf technologies, and is easy to install.
The project’s software is completely open source – your team can customize it for almost any application you can dream of.
Best of all, the Metadata Games suite has no licensing fees. Contact us to put your media in front of players worldwide!



National Endowment for the HumanitiesThe Neukom Institute

American Council of Learned Societies